Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Mother's Day Essay

This was written by my niece, Brianna. I wanted to share her beautiful words with you.

Being a Mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world.  For many other reasons than what I’ve written here.
  In May of 2009 I made a choice that led to a disastrous conclusion. Despite the fact that I knew better, and my Mother and Father had taught me not to, I chose to ride a four-wheeler without wearing a helmet. Most of my injuries would have been prevented if I had worn a helmet; just like my parents always taught me.
 A GCS is a score that is used to indicate the level of a person’s consciousness. I was unconscious at the scene, with a GCS of 7.  A dead person has a GCS of 3. Alert, oriented, uninjured people are at a maximum of 15.  I was near death.  A helicopter flew in a medical team to the scene of the accident in Croydon, Utah where they intubated me in order to control my breathing. I was then rushed to the nearest hospital where they tried to stabilize me. It was hours before my family was allowed to see me in the ICU.
I do not recall any of these details, but have been told the story by my family. My Mom, Julie Schmidt, is a nurse and she feared the worst, as she is trained in trauma and emergency nursing. She stayed at my side until the following morning when she was able to arrange a transfer to The University of Utah where she works as a nurse in the ER. Again, I was flown by helicopter; as my condition remained critical.
 I suffered a traumatic brain injury, multiple basilar skull fractures, bilateral temporal bone fractures, a fractured mandible and other facial fractures, along with a fractured humerus, a punctured lung and damage to cranial nerves that control movement and sensation on the left side of my face. I remained in a coma for four days and I underwent three surgeries during the first week. My family and friends prayed that I would live.
I remained in the hospital for a total of three weeks, moving to multiple units within the hospital. Mother remained at my bedside the entire time which caused her to file FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) at her current job.
 I awoke from the coma to find myself facing months of therapy and have since had a total of eight surgeries. I have had speech, physical and occupational therapy, which have allowed me to make a remarkable recovery from a near death experience.
             The love and support of family and friends, and my Mother in particular, has given me the motivation to get through this difficult time. I continue to undergo facial rehabilitation and endure the effects of my accident. Many things have changed in my life and I am so thankful for this second chance. I owe a deep debt of gratitude to the many people who supported me during this time, but I wouldn’t have done so well without my Mom.
After I was discharged from the hospital, we had to travel from Coalville to Salt Lake, as many as three times a week for the necessary treatment and therapy; I was struggling to recover after being in such a critical condition. Unable to drive, and unable to do most things for myself, I often had to rely on my Mother. Not once did she complain about having to shuttle me around or take care of me as if I were a small child, instead of the 16 year old that I was. Mom found a way to balance her work and our stressful home life as well.   In coping with this tragedy, my Mom’s kind words and actions have helped me overcome my ailments.
My Mom’s current job position is the Emergency Department Nurse Manager at The University of Utah.  Every day she is giving back to others. She acquired this position, a few months after my accident. It is an extremely intense job, sometimes requiring as many as 60 hours of work per week. Throughout this whole ordeal not once has she let our family down. No matter what we ask of her she is always there to support us in the many ways we need.
Mom has taught me many things, which have given me the encouragement to succeed in life. My mother has given me the motivation and drive to achieve the unachievable. When you’re told you can’t, say yes I can! Wish it, dream it, do it and never turn back. She herself has learned this lesson from personal experiences and I plan to continue teaching her lessons to future generations in our family. 
I have overcome many hurdles throughout this difficult time; even learning to walk again. Without the helping hands of my Mother, constantly at my side, I wouldn’t be here today. Not only is she my Mother and my best friend, but my Guardian Angel sent from above. What more could I ask for?
Ms. Brianna Schmidt
Coalville, Utah

I was lucky enough to have been present when my sister got to read the grateful words of her daughter.

Happy Mother's Day!!

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